Searching compound for %22arsenic acid%22 AND description%3Ametalloid returned 7511 results.
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Displaying compounds 6326 - 6350 of 7511 in total
Matched symptoms: … contact dermatitis, which is characterized by irritation and rashes. Ingesting large amounts of cobalt may cause nausea and vomiting. (L2090) …
Matched description: … number 27. It is found naturally in rocks, soil, water, plants, and animals. In small amounts cobalt …
Matched synonyms: … Cobalt(III) acetic acid
Matched symptoms: … nose, and breathing problems, such as asthma, cough, shortness of breath, or wheezing. Ingestion of ... hexavalent chromium causes irritation and ulcers in the stomach and small intestine, as well as anemia. Skin contact can cause skin ulcers. (L16) …
Matched toxicity: … LD50: 22 mg/kg (Oral, Rat) (L16) LD50: 30 mg/kg (Intravenous, Rat) (T22) LD50: 763 mg/kg (Dermal …
Matched description: … its greater ability to enter cells and higher redox potential. (L16, L51) …
Matched synonyms: … Ammonium dichromic acid
Matched symptoms: … As with organophosphates, the signs and symptoms are based on excessive cholinergic stimulation ... inhibition of nervous tissue acetylcholinesterase is reversible, and carbamates are more rapidly ... metabolized. Muscle weakness, dizziness, sweating and slight body discomfort are commonly reported early …
Matched treatment: … bicarbonate. For skin contact, the skin should be washed with soap and water. If the compound has entered ... , atropine and/or pralidoxime should be administered. Anti-cholinergic drugs work to counteract the ... effects of excess acetylcholine and reactivate AChE. Atropine can be used as an antidote in …
Matched description: … carbamic acid and kill insects in a similar fashion as organophosphate insecticides. They are widely ... used in homes, gardens and agriculture. The first carbamate, carbaryl, was introduced in 1956 and ... carbaryl's relatively low mammalian oral and dermal toxicity and broad control spectrum, it has had wide use …
Matched synonyms: … 4-Ethylthiophenyl methylcarbamic acid ... Carbamic acid, methyl-, P-(ethylthio)phenyl ester ... Carbamic acid, methyl-, P-(ethylthio)phenyl ester (7ci,8ci) …
Matched symptoms: … , increased or decreased blood pressure, numbness around the face, and muscle weakness. High levels ... may result in changes in heart rhythm or paralysis and possibly death. (L214) …
Matched description: … acetic acid. Barium is a metallic alkaline earth metal with the symbol Ba, and atomic number 56. It ... Barium acetate (Ba(C2H3O2)2) is a chemical compound of barium, and is the salt of barium(II) and ... chemicals such as sulfur or carbon and oxygen to form barium compounds that may be found as minerals. (L214, 408) …
Matched synonyms: … Barium acetic acid
Matched symptoms: … Breathing high levels of copper can cause irritation of the nose and throat. Ingesting high levels ... of copper can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and respiratory difficulty. (L278, L279) …
Matched description: … make-up, as an algaecide, and for bronze plating. Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and ... atomic number 29. Copper is an essential elements in plants and animals as it is required for the ... normal functioning of more than 30 enzymes. It occurs naturally throughout the environment in rocks, soil, water, and air. (L277, L278, L298) …
Matched synonyms: … Copper(II) carbonic acid
Matched symptoms: … Exposure to lower levels of arsenic can cause nausea and vomiting, decreased production of red and ... white blood cells, abnormal heart rhythm, damage to blood vessels, and a sensation of …
Matched description: … Calcium arsenite is a chemical compound of arsenic and calcium derived from arsenous acid. Arsenic ... is a chemical element that has the symbol As and atomic number 33. It is a poisonous metalloid that ... has many allotropic forms: yellow (molecular non-metallic) and several black and grey forms …
Matched synonyms: … Arsenous acid, calcium salt …
Matched symptoms: … contact dermatitis, which is characterized by irritation and rashes. Ingesting large amounts of cobalt may cause nausea and vomiting. (L2090) …
Matched description: … the atomic number 27. It is found naturally in rocks, soil, water, plants, and animals. In small …
Matched synonyms: … 2-Ethylhexanoic acid cobalt salt ... 2-Ethylhexanoic acid cobalt(2+) salt ... Cobalt bis(2-ethylhexanoic acid) …
Matched symptoms: … Inhalating aluminum dust causes coughing and abnormal chest X-rays. A small percentage of people ... are allergic to aluminium and experience contact dermatitis, digestive disorders, vomiting or other …
Matched carcinogenicity: … -containing antiperspirants and increased risk of breast cancer has been proposed (A235), but studies have not been able to establish a clear link (A15468). …
Matched treatment: … water for at least 15 minutes, followed by thorough washing with soap and water. If necessary, the ... person should shower and change contaminated clothing and shoes, and then must seek medical attention …
Matched description: … Aluminium molybdate is a chemical compound of aluminum and molydbenum. Aluminum is the most ... abundant metal in the earth's crust and is always found combined with other elements such as oxygen, silicon, and fluorine. (L739, L740) …
Matched synonyms: … Aluminium molybdic acid
Matched symptoms: … Inhalating aluminum dust causes coughing and abnormal chest X-rays. A small percentage of people ... are allergic to aluminium and experience contact dermatitis, digestive disorders, vomiting or other …
Matched carcinogenicity: … -containing antiperspirants and increased risk of breast cancer has been proposed (A235), but studies have not been able to establish a clear link (A15468). …
Matched treatment: … water for at least 15 minutes, followed by thorough washing with soap and water. If necessary, the ... person should shower and change contaminated clothing and shoes, and then must seek medical attention …
Matched description: … Sodium aluminum phosphate is a phosphate of sodium and aluminum. Aluminum is the most abundant ... metal in the earth's crust and is always found combined with other elements such as oxygen, silicon, and fluorine. (L739, L740) …
Matched synonyms: … Phosphoric acid, aluminium sodium salt ... Phosphoric acid, aluminum sodium salt ... Phosphoric acid, aluminum sodium salt (1:?:?) …
Matched symptoms: … Bromine vapour causes irritation and direct damage to the mucous membranes. Symptoms include ... lacrimation, rhinorrhoea, eye irritation with mucous secretions from the oropharyngeal and upper airways ... , coughing, dyspnoea, choking, wheezing, epistaxis, and headache. The bromide ion is a central nervous …
Matched treatment: … cold running water for at least 15 minutes, followed by thorough washing with soap and water. If ... necessary, the person should shower and change contaminated clothing and shoes, and then must seek …
Matched description: … Calcium bromide is a chemical compound of calcium and bromine. It can be found in drilling fluids ... , neuroses medication, freezing mixtures, food preservatives, photography and fire retardants. Bromine ... is a halogen element with the symbol Br and atomic number 35. Diatomic bromine does not occur …
Matched synonyms: … Hydrobromic acid calcium salt …
Matched symptoms: … Bromine vapour causes irritation and direct damage to the mucous membranes. Symptoms include ... lacrimation, rhinorrhoea, eye irritation with mucous secretions from the oropharyngeal and upper airways ... , coughing, dyspnoea, choking, wheezing, epistaxis, and headache. The bromide ion is a central nervous …
Matched treatment: … cold running water for at least 15 minutes, followed by thorough washing with soap and water. If ... necessary, the person should shower and change contaminated clothing and shoes, and then must seek …
Matched description: … Magnesium bromide is a chemical compound of magnesium and bromine. It is often used as a mild ... sedative and as an anticonvulsant for treatment of nervous disorders. Bromine is a halogen element with ... the symbol Br and atomic number 35. Diatomic bromine does not occur naturally, but bromine salts can be found in crustal rock. (L625, L657) …
Matched synonyms: … Hydrobromic acid magnesium salt …
Matched symptoms: … Short-term oral exposure to high concentrations of selenium may cause nausea, vomiting, and ... respiratory tract irritation, bronchitis, difficulty breathing, and stomach pains. Longer-term exposure ... to either of these air-borne forms can cause respiratory irritation, bronchial spasms, and coughing. (L619) …
Matched treatment: … water for at least 15 minutes, followed by thorough washing with soap and water. If necessary, the ... person should shower and change contaminated clothing and shoes, and then must seek medical attention …
Matched description: … Thallium selenide is a chemical compound of thallium and selenium. Selenium is a nonmetal element ... with the atomic number 34 and the chemical symbol Se. Selenium rarely occurs in its elemental state ... in nature and is usually found in sulfide ores such as pyrite, partially replacing the sulfur in the …
Matched synonyms: … Selenious acid, dithallium(1+) salt …
Matched treatment: … of skin contact, wash off with soap and plenty of water. In case of eye contact, flush eyes with …
Matched description: … Cholesteryl decanoate is an ester of cholesterol. Fatty acid esters of cholesterol constitute about ... two-thirds of the cholesterol in the plasma. Cholesterol is a sterol (a combination steroid and ... alcohol) and a lipid found in the cell membranes of all body tissues, and transported in the blood …
Matched synonyms: … Cholesterol 3-decanoic acid ... Cholesterol decanoic acid ... Cholesteryl decanoic acid
Matched symptoms: … Phthalate esters are endocrine disruptors and can cause a number of developmental malformations termed 'phthalate syndrome'. (A2883) …
Matched description: … Diisononyl phthalate is a phthalate ester. Phthalate esters are esters of phthalic acid and are ... products, including glues, building materials, personal care products, detergents and surfactants ... , packaging, children's toys, paints, pharmaceuticals, food products, and textiles. Phthalates are …
Matched synonyms: … 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid 1,2-diisononyl ester ... 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester ... Diisononyl phthalic acid
Matched symptoms: … Butenolide irritates the eyes and skin. It may also cause weight loss and growth retardation. (A3036, A3038) …
Matched description: … as a suspected etiological factor for Kaschin-Beck disease (an endemic osteoarthropathy) and Keshan ... disease (an endemic cardiomyopathy), prevailing in some regions of China, and several studies have …
Matched synonyms: … 4-acetamido-4-Hydroxy-2-butenoic acid gamma-lactone ... 4-Acetamido-4-hydroxy-2-butenoic acid-.gamma.-lactone ... 4-Acetamido-4-hydroxy-2-butenoic acid-gamma-lactone …
Matched symptoms: … Thiophanate-methyl can cause skin, eye and respiratory irritation, shortness of breath, chest pains, burning eyes, dizziness, and fatigue. …
Matched treatment: … clothing. Intubate the patients with altered mental status or airway injury. Treat acidosis and seizures …
Matched description: … by the EPA in 1973. It is effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens including: eyespot and ... other diseases of cereals; scab on apples and pears; Monilia disease and Gloeosporim rot on apples ... , tea, coffee, peanuts, soya beans, tobacco, chestnuts, sugar cane, citrus fruit, figs, hops, mulberries, and many other crops. …
Matched synonyms: … Thiophanic acid-methyl …
Matched description: … Cyclanilide is a plant growth regulator, cotton harvest aid, and fungicide that functions by …
Matched synonyms: … 1-(2,4-dichlorophenylcarbamoyl)cyclopropancarboxylic acid
Matched symptoms: … The symptoms of an overdose of ethyl loflazepate include sleepiness, agitation and ataxia ... . Hypotonia may also occur in severe cases. These symptoms occur much more frequently and severely in children …
Matched treatment: … General supportive measures should be employed, along with intravenous fluids, and an adequate ... a general rule, medical observation and supportive care are the mainstay of treatment of …
Matched description: … Ethyl loflazepate (marketed under the brand names Meilax, Ronlax and Victan) is a drug which is a ... benzodiazepine derivative. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative and skeletal muscle …
Matched synonyms: … Ethyl loflazepic acid
Matched toxicity: … The acute oral toxicity of adapalene in mice and rats is greater than 10 mL/kg …
Matched description: … Adapalene is a topical retinoid primarily used in the treatment of acne and is also used (off-label ... under the trade names Differin in some countries, and Adaferin in India. …
Matched synonyms: … 6-(3-(1-Adamantyl)-4-methoxyphenyl)-2-naphthoic acid
Matched description: … (Vitis labrusca), melon, pineapple, heated blackberry, red chilli (Capsicum frutescens) and other ... fruits. Also present in cheeses, hop oil, white wine, spirits and other foodstuffs. Methyl dodecanoate ... is a flavouring agent. Methyl dodecanoate belongs to the family of Fatty Acid Esters. These are carboxylic ester derivatives of a fatty acid. …
Matched synonyms: … Dodecanoic acid, methyl ester ... Lauric acid methyl ester ... Lauric acid, methyl ester …
Matched symptoms: … Symptoms of low dose exposure include excessive salivation and eye-watering. Acute dose symptoms ... include severe nausea/vomiting, salivation, sweating, bradycardia, hypotension, collapse, and ... convulsions. Increasing muscle weakness is a possibility and may result in death if respiratory muscles are …
Matched treatment: … bicarbonate. For skin contact, the skin should be washed with soap and water. If the compound has entered ... , atropine and/or pralidoxime should be administered. Anti-cholinergic drugs work to counteract the ... effects of excess acetylcholine and reactivate AChE. Atropine can be used as an antidote in …
Matched description: … Paraoxon is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. It is an organophosphate oxon, and the active ... potent as the nerve agent sarin, and so is now rarely used as an insecticide due to the risk of ... poisoning to humans and other animals. It is easily absorbed through skin, and was used as an …
Matched synonyms: … O,O-Diethyl-O-p-nitrophenylphosphoric acid
Matched synonyms: … Phosphorothioic acid, O-[4-[(dimethylamino)sulfonyl]phenyl] O,O-dimethyl ester …
Matched synonyms: … Benzenesulfonic acid, dodecyl-, compd. with 2,2',2''-nitrilotris[ethanol] (1:1) …
Matched synonyms: … 2,4-Hexadienoic acid, calcium salt (2:1), (2E,4E)- …
Matched synonyms: … Pentanoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl ester …